Our spring cleaning guide will soon have your home sparkling.
It's that time of year again, the clocks have gone forward and the summer holidays are in sight! There's something about this time of year which makes our minds turn to getting our homes back into tip-top shape. Perhaps it's the sight of flowers bursting into bloom, the longer days heralding warmer weather to come...or just those incessant April showers! Whatever it is, the traditional spring clean has become a household ritual for millions of people. Some folk love it, for others writing a long list of cleaning tasks can feel overwhelming.
Thankfully the SonicScrubber team has your back. With a SonicScrubber Household System and our handy spring cleaning guide you'll soon be scrubbing up with a spring in your step.

Tip 1: Tackle tasks one at a time
When the spring sunshine starts shining through your windows it's easy to look around and feel like everything's a mess...and wait those windows need a clean too. It can all feel a bit stressful. So avoid the temptation to start lots of jobs at the same time, it's unlikely you finish them all in a day, leaving you feeling worse than when you started. Instead, build some momentum. Do one job at a time and use the satisfaction you get from completing each task as motivation for the next one.
We recommend choosing a room to start from. The bathroom or kitchen might be a good place to start. But if giving the whole bathroom a deep clean feels a little more than you'd like to tackle in a day, focus on a single task. Start with the bathroom cabinet, empty it, clean it, declutter and re-organise it. Then tick it off and decide on the next task. Once you get going, your motivation will grow and soon you won't want to stop until every corner is clean.
Whilst we're on the subject of corners, they're a great example of where a SonicScrubber can save you some time and energy. Those corners, edges, nooks and crannies can be time consuming and frustrating to clean. That's where your SonicScrubber comes in.
Recommended by cleaning experts and influencers, SonicScrubber is designed to reach all kinds of hard-to-clean areas that sponges, clothes and regular brushes struggle with. Oscillating bristles "lift" dirt from surfaces, and interchangeable brush heads are designed to clean a range of gaps and grooves and awkward spaces. Try the cone brush for getting grime out of the corners of drawers or the medium brush for titivating your tile grout. Don't waste your energy, let SonicScrubber do the hard work for you, one task at a time.
Tip 2: Wash your windows
Once spring has sprung our curtains stay open for longer and the sun starts to shine more brightly through them. Unfortunately more light also means that dirt, smudges and stains, that have accumulated over the winter months, become more visible. Cleaning your windows can give you and your house a real lift.
Make sure you don't use any abrasive detergents or cleaning products on your widows as these can scratch both the glass and the frames. Whilst there are plenty of specialist window cleaning products on the market, a simple mixture of two parts water to one part white vinegar works a treat for removing streaks and smudges from glass. A tip is to wipe one side of the window from side to side, and the other from top to bottom. If you've any streaks to remove, for that perfect finish, this makes it easier to spot which side they are on.
One of the challenges with windows is that moss, dark mould and gunk can accumulate at the edges of window panes and frames. This can be a particular problem around the interior edges of double glazed windows in centrally heated homes. This type of dirt can be tricky to remove with a soft cleaning cloth, particularly if there is a soft rubber seal around the join. Luckily SonicScrubber can help.
Try mixing some washing up liquid and water in a spray bottle. Spritz the area you want to clean and attach a cone-brush head before using your SonicScrubber. The precise brush head can clean deep into the edge, whilst the oscillating motion will lift any stubborn muck. Wipe with a microfibre cloth to finish.

Don't take any risks with heights when cleaning external windows. If in doubt, it's far better to find a reputable local window cleaner to clean the outside of your windows. They don't tend to charge too much and your neighbours may well be able to recommend someone. Alternatively you could take a look at online reviews and local community groups on sites such as Facebook or Nextdoor. (A tip is to look for window cleaners who say they use ladders or 'traditional' methods, in our experience the modern cleaning approach of operating a long pole and hose from the ground is less effective.)
Tip 3: Dispose of old food
Go through the kitchen cupboards and refrigerator, looking for any food that is past its expiration date or items you know you'll never use. Usual suspects here are jars of ingredients you bought for a specific recipe and in particular old herbs and spices. Anything that's unopened but still good can be donated to a foodbank, charity or school tombola.
This is also the ideal time to clean the inside of your fridge too. A mix of bicarbonate of soda and water is a good solution to use, since it's safe, effective and won't taint your food with the smell of cleaning products. However a dilute washing up liquid solution or a food safe antibacterial cleaning spray are other acceptable alternatives.
Most fridges will have removable glass shelves and door trays, so you can give them a good all round clean. A SonicScrubber with the large brush head attached is great for removing grime from fridge shelves, without needing too much elbow grease. The medium and come brush can help you clean into any nooks and crannies such as around hinges, rubber door seals and door handles.
Tip 4: Scrub your grout
Cleaning the tile grout in kitchens and bathrooms is a simple way to give your room a facelift. Most grouts have rough surfaces so the top layer attracts dust, dirt and stains, making your tiling look tired.
The perfect cleaning solution to try is distilled white vinegar diluted in water, just as we recommended for your windows. If you've got any stubborn stains, mix bicarbonate of soda and water into a paste and rub it into the grout, leaving it for a few minutes before scrubbing. Barkeepers Friend is another product you could try for tough staining, but it's a good idea to check the label, wear gloves and test an inconspicuous area, before going to town on your tiles with a commercial cleaning product. Another thing to check for is whether your grout is badly cracked or falling out from between the tiles. If that's the case then re-grouting might be a better option than scrubbing. It's not as hard as it sounds and there are plenty of video guides online.
Ok, let's assume you've done your checks and you are ready to start cleaning. A popular way to clean grout is using an old toothbrush. It can be effective, particularly on a small area, but it's time consuming and tiring. Frequently the bristles have softened and bent over time, so they aren't as effective at removing grout grime as they once were for cleaning teeth. A common issue with large tiled areas is that an old toothbrush starts out as a good tool, but deteriorates before the job is finished.
An electric scrubbing brush is the ideal tool for cleaning large areas of grout. A tip, when choosing one, is to find one with an oscillating head rather than a spin scrubber. Spin scrubbers tend to have larger heads, which aren't as useful for detailed cleaning, and their circular motion moves dirt in circles and can be quite abrasive. They're normally designed for polishing large areas, not detailed cleaning. An oscillating head is gentler and loosens dirt- which is why most electric toothbrushes oscillate.
SonicScrubber heads oscillate 10,000 a minute and can clean continuously for three hours on a battery charge. It's a lightweight tool, waterproof rated and the motor won't lose its cleaning torque on rough surfaces. It also has interchangeable, long-lasting replaceable heads designed for different tasks. They're dishwasher friendly, or you can just run them under the tap once you're done. Unlike cheap copies, you can also order additional brush heads and attachments online. In short it's the perfect tool for cleaning large areas of tile grout.
For cleaning grout with a SonicScrubber, we recommend starting off with the medium brush head. Grout is normally flat, and the medium head has a flat surface and just the right bristle stiffness. For edges and corners, the cone brush is the ideal head to get into niches. If your tile surfaces need sprucing up too, the large head is the perfect tool for the job. A quick tip: It can be tempting to move the brush head quickly back and forth, but moving it slowly, without pushing down too hard on the head, lets the oscillations do their job. Wipe with a damp, soft microfibre cloth to finish.
Tip 5: Clean your appliances
We've already covered cleaning the fridge, but what about the appliances that keep your stuff clean? It may seem oxymoronic but they'll benefit from cleaning too.
People often don't realise the benefits of cleaning their washing machine. It's a task that often gets overlooked since it doesn't immediately spring to mind as something that needs cleaning, unlike a toilet or sink. However, if you don't clean your washing machine, its performance could decline and it's less likely to last a long time. Limescale builds up, filters and pipes clog, mould appears in seals and bacteria can thrive. Not cleaning your washing machine can cause bad odours, which might make your clothes smell funky and as bits of limescale flake from inside pipes they can leave greasy deposits on your laundry.
Tip 6: Purge the bedrooms
Remove everything from your bedrooms that doesn't serve you any useful purpose anymore (we don't mean your partner ;)). Look for old magazines, books you've read, and clothes you don't like, don't fit or won't wear.
Wash or dry-clean any items you plan to keep, and if they're being saved for a future season, consider creating space by storing them in vacuum bags you can hide out of the way until needed. Dry clean or launder coats, sweaters, and any items you are keeping. Unwanted clothes can be handed down to a family member who'd appreciate them, sold through apps like Vinted or donated to charity.
Clean and launder bedding and soft furnishings. The SonicScrubber soft-brush head is a less abrasive attachment you can attach to your tool for cleaning marks on mattresses, divans and other soft furnishings- though don't use it on delicate or shiny textiles and always try a patch test first.
Storage containers, clothing bags, shoe storage bags, ring stands and jewellery holders are all cost effective solutions for organising the things you are keeping. Consider getting a lavender bag or cedar block to put in the wardrobe, for a natural way to keep those freshly laundered clothes smelling fresh. If things in your home get a little damp, look for wardrobe dehumidifier packs on sites like Amazon and eBay.
Tip 7: Brighten the bathroom
Go through the bathroom cabinet and throw away any lotions and potions that have solidified or expired, recycling the bottles. Do the same on your countertops, shelves, edges of the bath or anywhere else where old bottles are just collecting dust. Be realistic, if you haven't used a product for a while, you probably won't. Don't forget though, many personal care products deteriorate after 6 months to a year. If you do rediscover your favourite scent, if it's still smelling fresh, give the bottle a clean and feel good that your decluttering means you'll find it, next time you're heading out.
Do the same with the medicine cabinet, you really don't want to risk anyone's health with expired medicines.
Organising things in your cupboards and drawers with dividers or small storage boxes can be a great way to maintain order- and to find those small travel sized toiletries next time you are taking a trip.
Clean all your surfaces. Your SonicScrubber can be a great timesaver here. It's brilliant for cleaning around taps and plugholes and perfect for removing soap scum marks. The medium and large brush heads work well on flat surfaces and using the cone brush is a hack for cleaning any black mould around the window, bath and shower screen edges. Of course you need to be careful in bathrooms not to use a cleaner that's too abrasive for painted or shiny surfaces like glass and chrome. Luckily the SonicScrubber soft brush head comes into its own, when a gentler tool is needed for the job.
Tip 8: Make the lounge a room fit to live in
Living rooms are busy rooms so the lounge is frequently a hotspot for clutter. Old brochures, greetings cards, mail and newspapers can be recycled or donated to schools. Magazines are often welcome donations at local doctor's surgeries.
If you're worried about dusting around ornaments, there are a wide range of feather dusters and dust wands on the market which can help to speed up dust collection without knocking things over.
Use a vacuum attachment to remove dust and cobwebs from corners, ceilings and light fittings. Don't forget to clean under the sofa.
If you have removable cushion covers, consider laundering or dry cleaning them. Otherwise give them a vac with the fabric-brush attachment. A SonicScrubber with the soft brush head attached can help remove light staining from fabrics, you might want to use an upholstery cleaning product too, but always check that any brushes or cleaning products are safe to use on your textiles.
If your carpets are looking a bit tired, consider giving them a clean. You can book a professional, although a lot of places now offer carpet cleaners for short-term hire.
Once you've got your lounge looking lovely, why not add a few houseplants? It is spring time after all and they can really lift a room, whilst freshening and filtering the air. If you lead a busy life, Easy care houseplants such as the Snake Plant, Pothos Peace Lily or or Leopard Lily can thrive with minimal maintenance.
Tip 9: Sort your shoes
Do you struggle to get in through the front door because of all the shoes in the entrance hall? Are you avoiding family visits because the guest room is full of shoes? Then do yourself a favour and invest in some shoe storage solutions.
Take a look on Amazon or eBay, there are a bewildering range of racks, boxes and shelves designed for shoes.
For those tight on space, we particularly like the shoe storage bags and boxes that slide under your bed. (Do a search for underbed shoe organisers.) For fancy leather boots and shoes, it's worth investing in wooden shoe trees or lasts, which absorb moisture and help shoes keep their shape.
A tip, for if you have a backyard or garden, bulky rubber wellingtons can be stored outside on a well boot rack, saving space in the home.
A common problem with shoes is...well they can make your home smell of feet. So from time to time it's a good idea to do a footwear inventory and to clean any shoes and trainers that you want to keep, but have got a bit whiffy. Find an appropriate shoe cleaning product, odour treatment or disinfectant.
There are a few hacks you can try for keeping shoes fresh. One is to fill some old or mismatched socks with absorbent cat litter and fasten the ends. Keep them inside running shoes you aren't using and the litter should absorb moisture and freshen the shoes. You can also try silica gel packs. We particularly like the Boot Banana range, as they're effective, eco-friendly, reusable and long lasting shoe deodorisers.
Avoid putting expensive trainers or football boots in the washing machine, it can cause damage to the glues and foams in the structure of the shoe. The washer could also damage waterproof coatings on trail shoes and hiking boots. We've also heard of the air-cushions in some trainers degrading. The SonicScrubber Footwear System is a brilliant gadget for keeping outdoor boots and sport shoes in order and avoiding muddy odours developing.

Tip 10: Prepare patios and paths
If you're fortunate enough to have access to your own outside space, now's the time to prepare for summer. Working from home is less tedious when you can charge up your vitamin D levels at the same time.
Take a look at your outdoor furniture to see how it's survived the winter. Treat any wooden furniture to garden furniture oil or, if it's looking faded, try some garden furniture restorer. Most other patio furniture, including cushions and parasols can be cleaned using a cloth and mild soap and water mixture. Rinse with a garden hose or clean wet cloth. Your SonicScrubber can help remove any stubborn moss and stains, particularly around edges and corners.
Soap, water and a steel brush will also clean most barbecue grills. But if you need something stronger, to prepare for a summer of outdoor eating, HG Oven, Grill and Barbecue Cleaner is worth considering, we find it one of the more effective products out there currently.
Paths and patios can get a slippery layer of moss, lichen and decomposed leaves build up over winter. For removing dry dirt and leaves we recommend an old fashioned "witches broom". They're cheap and remarkably effective. A stiff outdoor broom will do the job too, but avoid soft bristle brushes, they can quickly become clogged and useless outdoors.
To remove gunk from your paving, most people reach for the pressure washer. This can be effective, but watch out for loose sand or mortar between stones or slabs. It can be tempting to buy expensive path cleaning products, many of which contain chemicals that aren't good for the environment. Often good old washing up liquid and warm water works just fine. For more stubborn staining try a white vinegar or baking soda solution. White vinegar can be applied in a 1:1 ratio with water. For bicarbonate of soda, dissolve 1 to 5 tablespoons in a large bucket of water, depending on the degree of soiling. Work either mixture over your patch or patio with a brush and leave it to soak for about 15 to 20 minutes. Then work a stiff broom over the surface before rinsing with a hose or pressure washer.
So there you have it, we hope you found our 10 top spring cleaning tips helpful. Take on one job at a time and don't forget to consider getting a SonicScrubber to take the strain out of cleaning those hard to reach areas. You can buy one from this website. The original SonicScrubber is frequently copied but rarely bettered, so buying from our official website ensures you'll receive an authentic, warranty backed product. SonicScrubber is also available at Amazon, eBay, Lakeland and many other online stores.